I saw the mountain is shivering.
It collapsed into ashes in a second.
Look, the girl with long hair, sweet voice, soft breasts, and fair skin.
Her hand is holding a whip and many are bowed on her feet.
... darkness surrounded me, the air is stuffy and I cannot breath,
fire kept burning me with no mercy,
the mud sticking all over my body,
they force me eating my own flesh,
I am cold, they took away my clothes,
they humiliated me and laughed at me.
The girl, pick up a sharp razor sliced my face,
it's bleeding ...
Somehow the blood does not come out from the wound, but my eyes, flowing down my cheek.
... a permanent scar left on my face ...
Hear, God has spoken, "there is no better love than my love for you; there is no greater loyalty than my loyalty to you".
written by Ruth on 4 December 2015, 4.28pm