Monday, December 29, 2008

Eastbourne & London Trip

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas & New Year

This Christmas, is the first time I will be away from church since I baptised in year 2003. I told Aunty Ruth that I felt hard to be away from church. The thought of staying in the church kept spinning in my mind until I have a burden heart to leave church. Then Aunty Ruth says, "Get out! Leave your comfort zone and be a disciple to spread the gospel to outsiders." She is right. Stop being a spoilt child and staying in a comfort zone.

Of course if you are around at church this year, do not feel offended with my words. This is just come around my case here. You are at church this year, with a purpose that God granted this year. And for me, I am sharing that I've got chance to leave the church to be outside this year. If that is the case, just uphold in prayer. "God, please grant me exra strength, wisdom and protection as I am going out." I remember Huang Mei Lian said in her testimonial video, "When you could not change the environment surrounding you, please pray that God will grant you extra strength to face the environment surrounding you."

After Christmas, another occasion is approaching- New Year. This new year, I will be away to Ireland. I will visit North and South Ireland. This might be my last europe vacation before going back to Malaysia in January 2009. May God grant me a wonderful holiday, with a purposeful holiday. May God open my eyes and sensitivity to the needy to your eternal gift. I know I am a cracked pot in His eyes, but pray that God will accept my serving to Him... continue to mold me and cleanse me everyday. Renew my heart O Lord.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Topical bible sharing - Repentance

I was busy last week, was conducting the play on 19th Dec Student Fellowship Christmas Evangelical Night, recording video and shooting photo of church bible studies groups and fellowships for 25th Dec Video Presentation at church, preparing for topical bible sharing on 12 Dec Student Fellowship and also preparing to go back home country. But thank God for the busy weeks!

When I was preparing topic of topical bible sharing for yesterday student fellowship - Repentance. I came across a verse in Hebrew 6:4-9, talking about we re-crucified Jesus on the cross. Many people told me that they dare not watch the movie 'Passion of Christ' or commented how cruel is those men when they tortured and crufified Jesus Christ. In that verse 6, it says "if they fall away, to be brought back o repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace." How many times have you been crucifying Jesus Christ all over again and again?

I felt sick the day before the sharing. I pray to God that if that is what You want me to share with brothers and sisters, please help me to have voice to talk to them. At the same time, I said to illness that if that is what God wanna do, no one able to stop it. Friday morning, I felt terribly pain in my throat when I woke up. I pray inside my heart, just for tonight. Thank God, I am fine for the night and able to convey the message to fellow brothers and sisters. Although not much of them, but I believe those who God would want to talk to, they are all there. I know I share this topic not because I know more than them, a lot of them know more than me and have better relationship with God. But I thank God chosen me, and He touched me to share this with fellow brothers and sisters. Many times, what we talked was about the love of God, even in the worship. Yes, God love us, yet we all have to keep watch of what we are doing in our daily lives. Do not live like a fool and spoilt child!

Saturday, when Kan Yeep called me up in the morning, I picked the call, yet I had no voice to come out from my mouth. And then he said ok ok, we talked in msn. I felt itchy in my throat, yet I could not cough out loud and could not cough out the phlegm, because I have sore throat, it hurts. But I was getting better in the afternoon and evening, although it is still out of tune. Haha!

This is the first time since I baptised, I do not at church during Christmas. This Christmas, I will travel to Eastbourne, somewhere near the beach of Brighton, near London- Yu Ling's aunty house, with Yuling, Joven and David Prince. Emanuel...!