Thursday, May 31, 2007

Farewell Dinner with colleagues at Ms Read, Bangsar Village

This should be my farewell dinner, Algene's welcoming dinner as well as Dillah and Afraz's belated birthday dinner. Haha, what a huge celebration. No sorrow for farewell, but laughter for new hope for everyone!

Until end of this month, that would be my two years full joining Ronald McDonald Children's Charities (RMCC). I really felt thankful to my president who had been giving me plenty of opporutnities to learn and improve myself. I attended both RMHC Development & Training Workshop in Hamburger University and RMHC Asia Pacific Regional Conference at Adelaide last year. Both experiences are truly blessings from God. Especially it opened my gate for letting me extend my holiday in Los Angelas and Chicago for a week each.

I still remember when the last time I came back from Sheffield 3 years ago. I spoke within myself, was hoping to have an opportunity to travel US and Australia. I got it, praise the Lord!

Now, it's time to serve in Sheffield now. I haven't got a clue what God wants me to do there. But I know there must be a purpose God put me in Sheffield. I am so excited to experience the leading of the mighty God! Dear Lord God, help me to go through it, no matter it's hard or sweet, please be with me. Emmanuel...~ Thank God.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Malaysia Media Contacts

For those who needs Malaysia media contact, pls log on to this website for more info

Declaring LOVE...!

Here is the new design!Hmm, instead of saying I designed it, I should say I edited it. I "formed" this design by combining a few pictures taken online. I hope nobody will sue me for using those pictures, haha!!!

I am looking forward to see it printed on T-shirt!!! Hope it looks nice... Because sometimes it looks nice here as a picture, but when it printed on something else, it looks different.

Churchmate, buy me one if it's done! Ah... I should upload their picture of wearing this t-shirt when it's done, ask them to be my temp model, hehe... such a good idea right? ...

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Fruits of Spirit

This is what I designed for my church's T-shirt design, but later on they change the theme to "spreading the LOVE". Will update you again for my latest design.

Farewell... again

My churchmates were having a little farewell party for me last Friday. I appreciated it, though, I would rather not saying good bye, we will definitely meet again. In future, or even when we meet each other in heaven. Take care and God bless.... continue to serve in the Lord. No matter how, we are having the same destination. I am coming, Sheffield.... again.....

Lychee Cake, anyone?

Look! I've got my cake supporters!

This is another cake I made (again, half Tesco made) for our church members' monthly birthday celebration. This time, is lychee cake! Nice ar? Hehe... I love this flavour, and it 's also easier to make. Yummy!

Friday, May 25, 2007

Leaving Comfort Zone

I am in the midst of preparing my heart to leave my comfort zone, again. Two years ago, same feeling to leave Sheffield and now the same feeling comes again, but to leave Malaysia to Sheffield. Although I am still struggling a bit, but I will submit everything on God's hand. Oh God Lord, pls be with me, lead my way and hold my hand to show me every single step... 求主你作我脚前的灯,路上的光。

In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. ~ Matthew 5:16

Thursday, May 24, 2007



那天炒饭,好糟糕。连最容易的炒饭我都搞垮了。平时关眼睛炒,不用试味, 就可以炒出一盘又香又够味的香喷喷炒饭。可悲的是,上个月妈妈去了柔佛探望二姨。我负责放工回来煮饭炒菜给礼志和姐姐吃。炒呀炒的,试味又试味,却怎么也炒不出拿手好饭。也忘了应该先放蛋炒香再放饭炒。结果持续颠倒,饭被炒得湿湿的,欲哭无泪。


"ODD" Spotsss

More odd spots for you!

Sound at the right vibration frequency can bore holes through a solid object.

If you keep a goldfish in a dark room, it will eventually turn white.

Between the ages of 30 and 70, your nose may lengthen and widen by as much as 1.5cm.

In the last 4000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.

Clouds fly higher during the day than a night.

1.5 billion kilograms of chocolate are consumed worldwide each year.

The King of Hearts os the only king without a moustache.

The Shrek 3 Foldover Campaign kick off TODAY!!!

Message from colleague:

"This global tie-up with DreamWorks has bore many fruits with Shrek themed products and packaging. Our Fairy Tale Foldover McValue Meal comes with a Foldover (Spicy Beef Foldover/ Grilled Chicken Foldover), Shake Shake Fries (French Fries with seaweed seasoning in a Shrek shaker bag) and Green McFizz (with crushed pineapple). We also have specially developed Green Delights - Double Lime Sundae, Lime McFlurry and Green Apple Flavour Twist. Add to that Shrek Cushy Pals (SLP cushions) and Shrek Happy Meal toys which talk, we have an all-round fun campaign going on. At McDelivery, we also have Fairy Tale Feast 1 and 2 plus exclusive memopads given out through McDelivery alone.

Our corporate website ( too will have a Shrek-ed element. When you click through the corresponding Shrek links, you will be brought to an animated microsite where all the above products are featured. You will also be able to click through and play Shrek Treketh To Adventure, an online game developed by DreamWorks and McDonald's just for this campaign.

Thanks for your time and attention. "

I'd my French Fries with seaweed sesoning and Green McFizz today, hehe. Not bad, I'm lovin' it!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


昨天到位于吉隆玻的酒店听唐崇荣牧师的讲课。 讲的经文是关于出埃及记的“过红海记”。

很精彩`很生活化`很动听,让人拥有很深刻的印象。 经文里说到,上帝将吗哪赐下给众以色列百姓。要他们早起身,去领取从天而降的吗哪,一天拿一天所吃的而已,连吃连拿六天,第六天收两天的食物,因为第七天天上不会降吗哪,要众百姓守安息日。所以说,从星期一到星期六,必须早起领取吗哪,不然没有得吃。
懒惰的我,必须要有礼志早起领取吗哪给我吃。哈哈哈! 懒惰人讲懒惰话,执迷不悟。

时间: 晚上八点正
地点:Ball Room, Level 10, Crown Princess Hotel, KL

Images at Glenelg, Adelaide

Here are a few pictures I took from my hotel room's window, during RMHC Asia Pasific Conference in 2006

Monday, May 21, 2007






当我们吃完,下了楼。看见他在门口等候我们。那时我已觉得有点怪,怎么这样急?这样。他叫我们等一会,他马上打电话叫那辆货车来。不一会,远看见那辆货车真的转一个弯,就来到我们面前了,茶楼的前面。司机一下车,就说榴莲很香,要什么味道也有。妈妈还问他哪里来的榴莲,他回答是金马伦, 本地榴莲。但是,我们后来发现是泰国榴莲。





午后,妈妈的朋友来到访。无意间,透露早上在茶楼,他的孩子和媳妇买了四粒很贵的榴莲。我们马上互相对证,真的是那伙人。四粒榴莲多少钱? 一百八十八零吉。平均一粒四十七零吉,要命! 也不知道有多少人上当了,反正我们已经做了该做的。警察要不要行动,我们也没办法。


Homemade Mango Cake

This is my homemade (half tesco made) mango cake. Hehe...

I do not have oven at home, so I could not bake the cake. Smart me bought the sponge cake from Tesco which only costs me RM3.99 each. Then I bought fresh mangoes, non-dairy whipping cream and almond flakes for decoration.

1) Slice the mango into thin slices.

2) Whip the non-dairy whipping cream and add some sugar for flavouring (if needed)

3) Tosted the almond flakes in the microwave.

4) Slice the middle of the cake into two layer, spread the whipped cream on top of the bottom layer. Then, spread mango crumble on top of it.

5) Spread the whipped cream at the bottom part of the top layer of the cake.

6) Cover the top layer on top of the bottom layer cake.

7) Spread the whipped cream on every surfaces of the cake.

8) Arrange the sliced mango on top of the cake and place the tosted almond at the bottom side of the cake.

9) Cook the gelatine and spread a layer on top of the sliced mango, to make it looks shinier and smoother.

10) Ta laaaaa! Enjoy your cake!!!

"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you......~"

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I Believe In You

Lonely the path you have chosen
A restless road, no turning back
One day you will find your light again
Don't you know
Don't let go be strong

Follow your heart
Let your love lead through the darkness
Back to a place you once knew
I believe I believe I believe in you

Follow your dreams
Be yourself an angel of kindness
There's nothing that you cannot do
I believe I believe I believe in you

Tout seul tu t'en iras tout seul
Coeur ouvert a l'univers
Poursuis ta quete
Sans regarder derriere
N'attends pas
Que le jour se leve

Suis ton etoile
Vas jusqu'ou ton reve t'emporte
Un jour tu le toucheras
Si tu crois Si tu crois Si tu crois en toi

Suis ta lumiere
N'eteins pas la flamme que tu portes
Au fond de toi souviens toi
Que je crois Que je crois Que je crois en toi

Someday I'll find you
Someday you'll find me too
And when I hold you close
I know that it's true

Follow your heart
Let your love lead through the darkness
Back to a place you once knew
I believe I believe I believe in you

Follow your dreams
Be yourself an angel of kindness
There's nothing that you cannot do
I believe I believe I believe in you

*Yeah, lead you through the darkness into the bright and there is nothing you can not do with Jesus.
I belive in Jesus!

You may listen to this song at


生病记- 好像小学写的作文题目。嘻嘻。不过,是真的生病啦。上个星期六开始喉咙痛,看了医生,吃了药,好了一天。感冒和伤风却到访了。现在发声都有问题,晚上还要带查经班。唱歌也免了吧,好痛苦。

不过,也好。明天可以请病假,去马航售票办公室去换票。那天马航的工作人员打来,说我本来乘的那一趟飞机不飞了,把我换去别的班机。现在还要劳累我去市中心换票。我网上定购的伦敦巴士票,看来又要当了。一定要讨公道,还我票钱!不便宜咧,二十英镑咧,马币已经百多快乐咧。我要在公司痛苦一天才可以赚到的咧。换班机也很不方便,本来已经通知Aunty Ruth来载我的,但是如果乘搭的巴士是十一点晚上,非要到凌晨三点多才抵达Chesterfield。我没有关系,但是这样会让Aunty Ruth很不方便,我也会为他担心咧。鸡蛋糕马航!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


上个文告透露在上个星期四和五到砂州办活动 。 是的,星期四凌晨四点,一个人静悄悄的从床上爬起来,小心翼翼的怕吵到正在沉睡的老母。梳洗完毕,和礼志道别后,就乘坐小灵鹿到公司和同事会和了。 抵达砂州,所安排的砂州同事的确没有食言,已在外等待我们了。上次在澳洲,所安排的人员没有到机场迎接我们,害我们白等了,也让老板白等了。



晚上,与同事` Macfood Sarawak Centre Manager, Mr Alex` 砂州麦当劳经营联营店者 Mr Peter Chiu与太太到酒店的中餐馆吃饭。当晚还是Alex的生日,还有隔天是同事Afraz的生日。本来以为购买蛋糕的计划办不了,因为诗巫店都好早收工。还好Mr Peter Chiu有办法,叫了他店里的员工到比较远的地方买了个蛋糕来。

隔天的星期五老早,又乘坐亚航回到了吉隆玻。又回到了办公室做完手头上的东西,因为明天又有个活动,是大马麦当劳二十五周年纪念。在KL Berjaya Times Square有一个嘉年华会。而我们身为麦当劳儿童慈善机构,当然要撑场。与协办单位谈妥后,再做完要作为展览的文稿和照片,已经是下午六点钟了。

又隔天,早上六点四十五分,天未亮,又起床了。八点正,抵达KL Berjaya Times Square。等了协办单位两个小时,还没有到。气到火爆,连麦当劳的副总经理都来安慰我了。大约十一点,协办单位抵达,连连道歉,说是车坏。天呀!






