Monday, April 4, 2011

Flashing Sky

I noticed a series of consistent lightning this morning. I woke up around 6.15am and found flashing on my window. At first I thought it's lightning, but after 5 minutes, I notice the flashing like a siren. So I thought it might not be lightning as it kept flashing. So I open the window and look to the sky, it is lightning in the cloud - unusual one. There were about 4 lightning in one minutes, one lightning has about 5 flashes. I did not see the lightning but flashing in the cloud. Yeah, you might seen it before in drama that a few bombs or fire shots in the haven and when people looking up, it's just flashing inside the cloud. It was 6.30am with grey cloud in the sky.

After my shower, I still can see the flashing behind my window curtain. I was thinking it might be a war having in the heaven. I kept praying that Jesus Christ is the Lord of the Lords, and He will win every war. No one can defeat Him because He is the most powerful.

A flash thought in my mind, if He is powerful yet how come He made so little thing in me? I did not blame Him but feeling guilty for trusting Him so little and I submit so little to Him. My small faith has stopped Jesus to do big thing in my life. I have fall short of His glory (Romans 3:23). I kept saying sorry in my heart, shouting guiltily. I kept thinking, if I see Jesus today, I will be empty handed to see him, ashamed. When I arrived at the car park in the office, it seems not much cars around. I doubted whether am I left behind? I read a fiction story before called "Left Behind", in fact I just read a few pages in front when I was 17? Well, it was hard to hang on the habit to read English story book by a Chinese educated young girl. I got to search for 10 words in the dictionary in a page before I can fully understand what is going on. But I managed to find out it was about a father and a daughter or son left behind, and the rest of the family members were "raptured", leaving the rest of the world in chaotic. I was asking myself, am I the left behind because I am not doing good :(

Wake up my soul!