Saturday, May 31, 2008



Friday, May 30, 2008

His 'Rebekah'

Last two days ago, I got a msn message from a brother in US. He was using mobile msn to send me the message, which I can see how desperate he is to let me know eagerly.

He first told me that he is getting married. I thought he was kidding with me as I knew him was just breaking up with his previous girl friend 3 to 4 months ago. And the last time we talked was last 2 to 3 months ago, when he told me that he has already submitted everything onto God's hand and do not worry anymore, as he knew that God will provide a 'Rebakah' for him. It all started when he told me that he shared with his colleagues about loving his wife, and was searching for some verses in Genesis. He came across Genesis 24 about the story of God prepares Rebekah for Issac.

He was so excited and told me that God sent him an angel, brought her from another city (She is from China, so I would say another country ^^) to the front of him. As she was led by someone in church to introduce to him. He testified that only God can do such marvelous thing and Holy Spirit has already guided both of them. Therefore within a short time, they could come so close to marriage. I was so touched ... My goodness...! He is so amazing!

I was first would like to fly again to LA to attend his wedding. But...we.., I got another brother's wedding at my church in Sheffield on the same day, and I am the wedding coordinator.

He is indeed soooooooooooo awesome! Brought this brother - Yee Han, my primary shoolmate, who I knew him since I was 7 years old, in His kingdom last year. And continue to mold and bless him with a lot of marvelous works.

Yee Han, continue to serve in Him and do everything in pleasing Him only.

Our God, is an awesome God!



Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Paul Washer's Message

Tell me what do you think :)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Earthquake in China



星期六工作的时候, 和来自北京的同事谈了有关这一次四川灾难。当他告诉我一个小故事时,我们俩泪水同时夺眶而出。两个傻傻的在柜台那里泪流满面,其他同事看到也忽然逃跑。


一批救援人员在寻找生还者的时候,看到一位妇女已经没有生命气息了。就继续的往前走,看看有没有其他的生还者。但, 忽然间听到有微微的婴孩呀呀的声音。就回头,往有声音的地方去寻找。那一位妇女是跪着去世的。声音,就在那一位妇女的低下,婴孩一点损伤都没有。小孩的胸前,找到了一个手机,有一个短讯,是婴孩的妈妈在还没有过世前留下的输入的。短讯说,‘孩子,如果你还活着,要知道妈妈爱你。’


Monday, May 5, 2008

New Born Baby

I was came back from a movie - Iron Man, after student fellowship. It was around 2am+, nearly 3am. Suddenly Bro Cheeming sent me a message and told me that Cheeseng had already accepted Christ a few hours ago. My heart nearly ran out from my mouth and I was so excited bout it. Within a few seconds, I was burst into tears. It was a joyful tear. Cheeseng has been attending our bible study group since the 'Welcoming Dinner for new student in Sheffield' on Sept 2007.

I joint their bible study group in early March, and became one of the bible study group leaders. The bible study group members were almost non-believers. But praise the Lord they willing to join us every Friday to study the book of Mark. If it is not Christ who attracts them to come, I can't find any reason to keep them coming. Or if you would say fellow sister and brothers, I would say ... hmm, could be... I read a bookmark before, it said, ' If you can't see Jesus Christ on someone else, let someone else to see Jesus Christ on you.' Yes, I would say yes, because we have Jesus Christ living in our heart. Is Christ who made us a better and sweeter person ^^ God is so good.

In this coming June, another new batch of TARCians are coming to Sheffield. We are so delighted to welcome them to our lovely Sheffield. Will be busy in publicity as well as assisting in leading new bible study for new comers. It would be a busy summer, but a meaningful one ^^ Let's smartly grab the strength from our heavenly Father - the source of strength of all and universal to continue our journey which He has perfectly plan for us.

Gam ba te oo!

Peak District Outing

Thank God for the day with fellow sisters and brothers. We are so blessed ... binded by the love of God, the origin source of Love. It's so marvelous! What I can say instead of 'Halleluyah!', still 'Halleluyah!'