Friday, May 30, 2008

His 'Rebekah'

Last two days ago, I got a msn message from a brother in US. He was using mobile msn to send me the message, which I can see how desperate he is to let me know eagerly.

He first told me that he is getting married. I thought he was kidding with me as I knew him was just breaking up with his previous girl friend 3 to 4 months ago. And the last time we talked was last 2 to 3 months ago, when he told me that he has already submitted everything onto God's hand and do not worry anymore, as he knew that God will provide a 'Rebakah' for him. It all started when he told me that he shared with his colleagues about loving his wife, and was searching for some verses in Genesis. He came across Genesis 24 about the story of God prepares Rebekah for Issac.

He was so excited and told me that God sent him an angel, brought her from another city (She is from China, so I would say another country ^^) to the front of him. As she was led by someone in church to introduce to him. He testified that only God can do such marvelous thing and Holy Spirit has already guided both of them. Therefore within a short time, they could come so close to marriage. I was so touched ... My goodness...! He is so amazing!

I was first would like to fly again to LA to attend his wedding. But...we.., I got another brother's wedding at my church in Sheffield on the same day, and I am the wedding coordinator.

He is indeed soooooooooooo awesome! Brought this brother - Yee Han, my primary shoolmate, who I knew him since I was 7 years old, in His kingdom last year. And continue to mold and bless him with a lot of marvelous works.

Yee Han, continue to serve in Him and do everything in pleasing Him only.

Our God, is an awesome God!

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